Q3. [Settings] How do I use the arrival alarm?

» Q3. [Settings] How do I use the arrival alarm? Q3. [Settings] How do I use the arrival alarm? – 도플소프트 블로그


A. Smarter Subway provides an arrival alarm system service from one stop before the destination (or transfer station) of the searched route.


[ How to set arrival alarm ]

1. Click ‘Alarm’ on the Route Search page.

2. Click ‘Alarm’ on the lower right.


[!] If the arrival alarm does not ring or an error has occurred, please check the following information.

[If you are using Android]

Android phones notify the user of their arrival based on their real-time location information. To accurately determine your location, the phone’s GPS function must be on and you must allow Smarter Subway to access this function.

In addition, the notification is only provided if an accurate network connection can be established. For a more accurate alarm, we recommend you use a mobile data connection rather than a WiFi connection.


If the alarm does not ring despite turning on GPS and connecting through mobile data, please check the following points.

Please turn off the AOD (Always On Display) function.

Please turn off power saving mode.

If you must turn on power saving mode, please provide an exception for Smarter Subway in the battery optimization settings.


[ If using an iPhone ]

iPhones notify you of your arrival based on the timetable information provided by the train management company.

Thus, please understand there may be differences when there are errors in actual train operation.


We will always strive to provide a great service.

Thank you.


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