Q4. [Subway] I want to update the latest timetable information

» Q4. [Subway] I want to update the latest timetable information Q4. [Subway] I want to update the latest timetable information – 도플소프트 블로그


A. Smarter Subway provides service based on the management’s official timetables for each train line, and when official timetables are changed, we guide you on the date they will change and how to apply the change in advance through our application notices.


[ How to download the latest timetable ]

The latest timetable can be downloaded through the download notification pop-up window when you turn off the app completely and open it again on the date the timetable changes.

[!] If the timetable download notification pop-up window does not appear even after you have closed the app completely and reopened it, this means you may not be using the latest version of the app, so please keep the app up to date.

[ How to check whether you are using the latest version and the latest data ]

If you clicked [Later] in the timetable download notification pop-up window and chose not to download the timetable data, or you need to check whether the app is up to date, please navigate to the app settings.

In the app information section of the app settings, you can check if you are using the latest version and the latest data as below.

Please check and go through with the update.


We will always strive to provide a great service.

Thank you.


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