A. Depending on the operating conditions that day, trains may not run according to the timetable.
Smarter Subway uses Seoul City’s public data so you can check [1] real-time train arrival time, [2] real-time train arrival time of a searched route.
[1] How to check real-time train arrival time(Metropolitan)
Select the station information you would like to use and click on the real-time button to set it to ON.
In the timetable-based arrival information, you can also check the arrival information according to real-time train location.
* Auto-refresh Interval: 10 seconds
[2] How to check real-time train arrival time for a searched route(Metropolitan)
Select a departing station and arrival station from the route map or search page to search for the route.
Select the station name from a searched route.
You can check the subway line you need to take, destination, and real-time train arrival time.
* Auto-refresh Interval: 10 seconds
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