Q11. [Station Information] I am curious about facility information notices.

» Q11. [Station Information] I am curious about facility information notices. Q11. [Station Information] I am curious about facility information notices. – 도플소프트 블로그

A. While using the subway, you may be curious about whether you can use the bathroom without going through the turnstile, whether you can cross to the other side without tapping your transportation card, and whether there are storage lockers, etc.

Smarter Subway provides this facility information for each station. Please refer to the below information for the meaning of the facility information notices.


1. Carriage exit doors

Door on left Alight using doors left of the direction the train is running towards
Door on right Alight using doors right of the direction the train is running towards
Door on both Both sides Depending on the platform, alight using doors left or right of the direction the train is running towards


2. Crossing (= Access to opposite platform)

Cross possible Can access the opposite platform without going through the turnstiles
Cross impossible Cannot access the opposite platform (Only accessible after going through turnstiles)

3.  Restrooms

Restroom in Can access restroom before exiting the turnstiles
Restroom out Can only access restroom only after exiting the turnstiles
Restroom in/out Can use restroom both before and after exiting the turnstiles

4. Platform

Side platforms Platforms are on both sides, and you can travel in one direction using each platform
Island platform Platform is in the center, and you can get on the train in both directions from the central platform
Transit Station Platform There are multiple platforms for each direction, and you can get on the  train in each direction
Platform junction One line only in the platform

5. Storage Locker

Storage lockers inside the station


If you have any inquiries or wish to report incorrect information, please make a request through ‘Contact Us’ in the app settings.

Thank you.


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